Is It Time To Replace Your Toilet? - D & D Plumbing


(432) 687-1011

We admit it…this isn’t a fancy topic by any stretch of the imagination. But as home and business owners, it’s critical to know when it’s time to replace your toilet as opposed to simply making repairs to it.

The Porcelain Is Cracked

Questions, questions.

             Do you need a new toilet?

Small cracks in the porcelain of your toilet is definitely an indicator that you’re due for a replacement. Tiny hairline fissures, either along the bowl or the tank, can lead to one big mess later on should those small cracks split open. Be sure to occasionally inspect for those tiny cracks and moisture pooling on the floor or on the toilet itself. Trust us…it’s much cheaper to replace a commode than it would be replace it and flooring!

The Repairs Are Adding Up

Have you already replaced the ball and flapper, the ring, the handle, and the fill valve…multiple times? This might be an educator that it’s time to replace the entire unit. While it’s good practice to replace these items often as part of your home maintenance schedule, if the repairs begin to outweigh the cost of a replacement, you might want to weigh your options.

Water Usage

Being energy efficient and conserving water is a HUGE deal these days. If you notice your water bill increasing or are simply trying to be more efficient in your energy consumption, replacing your toilet with a low-flush, water saving model.

Constant Clogs

This is where things get a little yucky. If you’re having to plunge your toilet all. the. time…then it’s probably time for a new toilet. Having to warn guests about the “broken toilet” or “you’ll need to use a plunger if it doesn’t flush” is pretty embarrassing. And it’s pretty gross.

From residential to commercial, from repairs to replacement…D&D can do it all! Give us a call today to help assess the condition of your commode.