Your End of Summer Check List! - D & D Plumbing


(432) 687-1011

Summer is drawing to a close, and even in the heat of West Texas, that means it’s time to prepare your house for winter. You want to be sure that your home remains in great shape and that you don’t have to worry about substantial repairs in the coming season. This checklist will help you get started. 

1. Schedule HVAC maintenance. Make sure that your HVAC unit is in great shape so that it will be able to keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the cooler winter months. Routine HVAC maintenance now will help keep your unit in the best possible shape so that you won’t face more costly repairs in the middle of the winter. 

2. Seal any gaps throughout your home. Make sure that your windows are properly sealed and that any gaps have been dealt with now, so that they won’t allow warm air to exit your home later. 

3. Add insulation as needed. A well-insulated home will keep warm air during the winter and cool air in during the summer, lowering your temperature control costs. 

4. Replace your furnace filters. The changing season is a great reminder that it’s time to replace your furnace filters, which should ideally be done once a month. 

5. Take care of any exposed pipes or leaks. You don’t want to run the risk of freezing or leaks throughout the winter months, so make sure those pipes are taken care of and any leaks are sealed before winter arrives. 

6. Add window coverings. Do you have curtains, blinds, and other items over your windows? If not, now is the time to add them. These items can provide immense insulation during the winter, ensuring that you won’t lose vital heat. 

Need help completing those important winter preparation tasks? If you need help with HVAC maintenance, plumbing, insulation, and more, contact us. We’ll work with you to ensure that your home is prepared for the cooler winter months.