Spring Plumbing Tips - D & D Plumbing


(432) 687-1011

Ahhhhh, spring is (almost) in the air. We have officially lost one hour to daylight savings time, the trees are beginning to sprout leaves, and the weather has been getting warmer. It also means it’s time for spring cleaning. We’re here to offer these spring plumbing tips to help you along.

Exterior Faucets

spring plumbing tipsWater faucets on the outside of your home bear the brunt of winter damage. Be sure to inspect them carefully prior to turning them on for the first time after the winter months to avoid flooding.

Shower Heads

West Texas has notoriously hard water. This can cause several problems with shower heads, including calcium and lime buildup. Remove the shower head and clean it carefully in a chemical solution like CLR to remove buildup (being careful to follow package instructions). If the shower head still has a lot of grime on it, it might be a good time to consider replacing it. If you’re tired of the buildup, you should consider a full-home reverse osmosis system. Ask us today!


One of the sneakiest places for germs to hide is in your sink. Faucets, faucet handles, and drains are big culprits in producing various bathroom and kitchen germs. Use your favorite cleaner or go natural with a baking soda scrub to give it a thorough cleaning.

Additionally, it’s a great time to clean out your drains. Use a drain cleaner to remove debris from pipes for easy clogs. For tougher clogs, you can opt to take apart the drains yourself in a DIY weekend project (though we’ll admit it can get pretty gross)…or you can just
call us!


Be sure to give toilets a good scrubbing during your spring cleaning routine. This includes the back of the unit, as it’s often neglected. It’s also a great opportunity to check for any leaks. If there are leaks, you may notice rings of dried water near the base of the toilet. If that’s the case, be sure to contact D&D to repair your commode immediately.

Water Heaters

Be sure to check your water heater for any leaks. Spring is also a great time to make sure that your unit is operating properly and at safe, energy-efficient temperatures.

Does all of this seem daunting? It doesn’t have to be! Set up a routine seasonal check with D&D Plumbing today. We’re happy to make sure that your plumbing is ready for warmer weather.