HVAC FAQs-D&D Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning


(432) 687-1011

Do you have any questions about your HVAC system? Here, let’s get some of those HVAC FAQs answered, and for anything else you want to know, be sure to call D&D today! First, let’s start with the basics.

What Does HVAC stand for?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

How Often Should I Change My Air Filter?

Different factors such as pets in the home, how many people are in the home, and weather conditions play into how often an air filter should be changed.

Given the incredible amount of dirt we love to hate here in West Texas, it is recommended to change your filter once a month, or clean your filter once a month if they are washable. If once a month seems to be too often, be sure to frequently check your filter and change it out as needed. Any questions? Ask a D&D professional how often you should change your air filter!

Why Do I Need To Change My Air Filter?

Changing your air filter is vital to the performance and lifespan of your HVAC system. Frequently changing out your filter greatly improves the air you and your family breathe everyday. Air filters remove high levels of allergens, dust, and germs that you do not want to be breathing in.

What Other Maintenance Should I Be Doing On My HVAC System?

Make sure to keep pets away from the unit, and keep the area surrounding the unit clear. Be sure to maintain weeds and get rid of overgrown grass to avoid damaging the unit, while being extremely mindful of wiring when maintaining the landscape around the HVAC unit.

How Do I Know When Something Is Wrong With My Unit?

Read here to learn Signs Your AC unit Needs A Repair Or Replacement!


We hope we answered some of your HVAC FAQs,  but for any more questions about your HVAC system, contact our experts at D&D! We are here to answer and all of your questions, and to come help when you need us!